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A knowledge sharing platform developed based on collaborative effort of CSIRO, Future Fuels CRC, NERA and Australian Hydrogen Council. The platform contain information around projects, policies, and key organisations involved in in the research, development and deployment of clean hydrogen as a low emissions energy source.​

Link to HyResource webpage.

Australia's National Hydrogen Strategy

At its December 2018 meeting, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council set a vision for an Australian hydrogen industry that emerges as a major global player by 2030. The Council agreed to establish a Hydrogen Working Group, chaired by Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel, to develop a National Hydrogen Strategy consistent with this vision.

Link to the Australia's National Hydrogen Strategy.

Australia Hydrogen Opportunities Tool (AusH2) 

A web based tool developed by Geoscience Australia that maps Australia's clean hydrogen potential. The tool hosts the Hydrogen Mapper to help industry and government decision makers to identify and shows areas with high potential for future hydrogen production.

Link to AusH2.

Hydrogen Standards Development

Standards development is a critical element in facilitating hydrogen industry scale-up. A Hydrogen Technologies Standards discussion paper was released following Hydrogen Forum in 2018.

Link to Standards Australia/Hydrogen project.

Everything About Hydrogen (Podcast)

Hosted by Hydrogen Media Ltd - this podcast feature Everything About Hydrogen, covering technical to relatable and explores how hydrogen and its derivative technologies may change the energy world as we know it. 

Link to Everything About Hydrogen Podcast (Apple Podcasts).


The ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy is funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Research Program, the Partner Organisations and the Universities.

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