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Webinar 19 June - How can we accelerate the energy transition?

Updated: Jun 12

Webinar entitled How can we accelerate the energy transition? | Hosted by Curtin Institute for Energy Transition

What do we need to do to get regional and rural host communities on board with clean energy developments? How can we make sure that the energy transition is an opportunity to support and learn from First Nations communities? What are the biggest challenges standing in the way of successful transition? Tune in on the 19th of June for an insightful conversation covering all these points (and more!)

ERICA's State of Energy Research Conference (SoERC), hosted earlier this year by the Curtin Institute for Energy Transition, is the leading energy research event in Australia. Join members of the ERICA Organising Committee for a discussion of the conference findings, next steps and what we can do to accelerate the energy transition.


  • Professor Peta Ashworth, Director of the Curtin Institute for Energy Transition (ERICA Chair 2023-24) and CI of ARC GlobH2E

  • Dani Alexander, CEO of the UNSW Energy Institute (Incoming ERICA Chair 2024-25)

  • Professor Frank Jotzo, Head of Energy at the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions

  • Professor Paul Medwell, Professor in the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at The University of Adelaide

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