NSW P2X Paper
P2X - Enabling Indirect Electrification
A report prepared for NSW Government with the purpose to present opportunities for Power-to-X adaptation in NSW.
NSW Power to X (P2X) Industry Pre-Feasibility Study
A roadmap for a P2X economy in NSW providing technology pathways of different P2X industries and prospective locations for large-scale P2X production in NSW. This report is prepared for the use of Office of NSW Chief Scientist and Engineers for NSW Government.
NSW Power to X (P2X) Industry Feasibility Study
This study builds on findings from the P2X Pre-Feasibility Study to deliver a comprehensive assessment of the technical and economic viability of NSW P2X hubs, particularly on green hydrogen, considering production costs, transportation costs, and supply chains to existing and future markets. The study was commissioned by the Office of NSW Chief Scientist and Engineers and was conducted by GlobH2E researchers and the stakeholders of the NSW Powerfuel and Hydrogen Network.
An online open-source modelling tool was also developed as part of the study to provide first-hand information for industry and investors on P2X opportunities in NSW.
Download NSW P2X Industry Feasibility Study Report