The Training Centre is co-led by internationally recognised hydrogen experts, Scientia Professor Rose Amal and Professor Kondo-Francois Aguey-Zinso, and supported by Industry and Scientific Advisory Boards.
GlobH2E organisational structure
The Training Centre's governance structure reflects the emphasis on strategy, research, training, communication and outreac that underpin planning and implementation of the themes. Figure below illustrates the governance and operating structure of the Centre.

Centre Management Team
The Centre Management Team guides and oversees the general operation of the Training Centre and the Research Program being undertaken. The CMT also facilitates the training and education, outreach and technology transfer. The membership of the CMT consists of the two Co-Directors and leaders of each theme program. A Centre Manager will be assisting the CMT in the day to day operation of the Centre.
Industry Advisory Board
The Industry Advisory Board will provide guidance so research remains relevant to industry; assist the work of the Training Centre with industry bodies; further facilitate dissemination activities and industry engagement to help grow the impact of the Training Centre in transitioning industry; provide strategic advise on challenges, issues and opportunities as advised/requested by the Centre’s Management team in relation to the ARC or raised by the Industry Advisory Board members; and also advise on any other matters referred by the Chair of the Industry Advisory Board requiring consideration and advice
Research Advisory Committee
The Research Advisory Committee will provide advice to the Training Centre Co-Directors and Centre Management Team to help guide the research being undertaken by the Training Centre so it remains internationally competitive while still relevant to Australia.