The launch of GlobH2E
The official launch of the ARC ITRP TC for the Global Hydrogen Economy, GlobH2E was held on Monday, 5 December 2022 at the Michael Crouch Innovation Centre (MCIC), UNSW Sydney. The Assistant Minister for Education Senator Anthony Chisholm, and the Australian Executive Director for Biological Sciences and Biotechnology Dr Mary Kelly and UNSW Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Attila Brungs officially launched the Centre.
The Centre commenced in June 2021 and has reached its first-year milestones with notable achievements and progress across five key research themes. Following the launch, industry partners and guests will be invited to enjoy a research showcase highlighting GlobH2E researchers' hard work and also network with other participants.
Thank you for those joining us for the official launch of the TC GlobH2E and for those who are unable to join, please see the event recap, images as well as research showcase of our researchers.
If you are interested to find out more about what we do, please connect with us via email: globh2e@unsw.edu.au
Video introducing GlobH2E
Event Images

Research Poster
Dr Kamran Dastafkan, UNSW Sydney (theme 1: H2 production)
Miss Xiao Ying Wong, UNSW Sydney (theme 1: H2 production)
Ms Shujie Zhou, UNSW Sydney (theme 2: H2 storage and utilisation)
Dr Hamidreza Rahimpour, Univ of Newcastle (theme 3: H2 safety)
Dr Bingqiao Xie, UNSW Sydney (theme 2: H2 storage and utilisation)
Dr Penghui Yang, Univ Queensland (theme 2: H2 storage and utilisation)
Mr Constantine Tsounis, UNSW Sydney (theme 1: H2 production)
Mr Lingyi Peng, UNSW Sydney (theme 1: H2 production)
Mr Muhammad Haider Khan, UNSW Sydney (theme 4: H2 Value Chain)