Communication, Education and Training Committee (ComET)
The Communcation, Education and Training Committee (ComET) is a committee formed to support initiatives and help with execution of planned activities of the Centre.
The expectation from ComET are:
Play a role in co-designing the Professional Development program for HDR students and Postdocs in the Centre
Identify opportunity relative to education, outreach, mentorship & training and work placement/internship
Assist in knowledge sharing and communication of Centre's achievements including but not limited to publication, news, events, etc.
The membership of ComET are open for all members of GlobH2E (including CI, AI and ECRs (PhD students and Postdocs)) associated with the Training Centre who are interested to be involved in GlobH2E initiatives and can commit to take part in the planning and execution of activities.
Current member of GlobH2E:
Dr Shujie Zhou (Co-Chair)
Dr Denny Gunawan (Co-Chair)
Mr Michael Gunawan (Co-Chair)
Miss Charlotte Zhu
Dr Mandalena Hermawan (Business/Centre Manager)
Dr Emma Lovell (Chief Investigator)
Dr Sarah Grundy (Associate Investigator)
Highlights of past activities organised by CoMET