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We offer an exciting opportunity for your organisation to participate and collaborate with us in one or more projects within our themes.

You / your organisation can:

  • Participate in one or more collaborative research projects that will be matched to your organisation's strategic goals related to decarbonisation and energy transition.

  • Host students as interns or offer work placement at your organisation

  • Host site visits for Training Centre personnel including students and postdoctoral researchers

  • Co-host an event with us


We offer a variety of levels of partnership and encourage any interest in the Training Centre:


$25K p.a.

  • To support a PhD project & access to expertise of GlobH2E researchers

$50K p.a.

  • To support a project carried out by a team of experienced postdoctoral researcher & quickly de-risk a project that could benefit to your organisation


  • Be a host for work placement for our students;

  • Hosting site visits for TC personnel;

  • Professional mentoring


  • ​We welcome any prospective partnership, please contact us.

Can't find what you are looking for or  have any question, please contact:

Download our brochure: ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy Partnership Prospectus 


The ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy is funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Research Program, the Partner Organisations and the Universities.

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