What we do
Hydrogen is gaining unprecedented momentum around the world as a clean energy solution. The prime focus of the ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy (GlobH2E) is to ramp up development of hydrogen technologies and train the next generation of research and industry leaders to commercialise products within solid business frameworks and safety standards.

Our world-leading research is giving Australia a competitive edge in the global market and leading to commercially viable hydrogen ventures.

We are training the hydrogen workforce of the future, helping accelerate the transition of hydrogen technologies into industry.

We are creating simple paths to deployment and swift commercialisation through our partnerships with leading local and global industry collaborators.
By focusing on the following five themes, we are removing all barriers to the rapid advancement of the hydrogen economy in Australia.

Hydrogen Production
We are developing clean, sustainable and cost-competitive hydrogen generation processes for early market penetration.

Hydrogen Storage and Use for Distributed/Dispatchable Energy
We are creating new technologies to safely store, ship and, more importantly, use hydrogen within existing infrastructure.

Hydrogen Safety
We are working on breakthrough safety solutions to facilitate the global uptake and deployment of hydrogen systems.

Hydrogen Value Chain and Business Models
We are mainstreaming the emerging hydrogen industry by creating supportive business models that de-risk their deployment.

Social Acceptance, Education and Policy
We are mainstreaming the emerging hydrogen industry by creating supportive business models that de-risk their deployment.